
All things work together
All things work together

Yeshua is neglected and rejected by His own brothers, and rejected by the people of Nazareth, where He was raised.

all things work together

Everything in his life is one tragedy after another. There is much similarity between the story of Joseph and the story of Yeshua (Jesus).


However, if you back up and look at the whole story the whole narrative of the story of Joseph you see that each picture in the story, each scene in the plot is like a freight train where each car is hooked to the next and is pulling the other cars, with each car connected to the other, and even though each car is full of sadness and horrible events the train itself is headed in a happy direction toward a happy ending. It would be considered as being a totally dysfunctional family. Here is the key: If you cut into any part of this story and separate it and analyze it you probably will come up with the opinion that this is a terrible tragedy of a family that is falling apart and an old father that is not able to take care of his own family and make peace and order among his own sons. I want us to see the full picture of this Shabbat’s Torah reading. The narrative and plot of the story of Joseph has a beginning that is dramatic and a middle that is enchanting and an end that is a happy ending. It is almost a complete script for making a Hollywood movie. This story of Joseph is one of the most fully developed and complete novelettes (mini-novels) in the Bible. Of course, the Torah portion is the beginning of the story of Joseph, the son of Rachel, the beloved wife of Jacob. The reading for this Shabbat is from Genesis, Parashat Vayeshev, from Genesis 37:1- 40:23, and from the prophets, Amos 2:6-3:8, and from the New Testament, Matthew 1:18-25.

All things work together